Monday, December 6, 2010


okay maybe i'm a little different. i'm kind of a girly girl but i do not put up with taking forever to get ready. i just get fed up with it. 

so we've already learned that HM takes FOR-EV-ER to get ready! she's actually not to bad when it comes to actually taking a shower, but she has so much s*** in the shower, i'm not kidding. i wish i had a picture, maybe i'll take one and post it later.

so it's an older shower, like i'm thinking early 80's. It looks good but it's outdated. There are also so ledges EVERYWHERE! The shower head, makes me feel like buddy the elf taking a shower at the north pole and i'm only 5'6".  
so my stuff, which would be shampoo, conditioner, body wash and my  weekly color treatment fit on this tiny shelf under the shower head. my razor is one of the cool ones that has suction cups on the back and then my scrubby [which is way cool cause it changes colors when it's wet!] is on this little hook on the wall about my shoulder height. that's all that's mine
then on every other ledge there is crap covering it! i swear there are like four or five different sets of shampoo and conditioner in there and then there's all this other stuff! so when i moved in she was all like you can use anything i have in the shower, as long as it isn't my shampoo and conditioner-that's practically all she has. she has a couple body washes-you only need one- and then so other scrub thing and then an exfoliating thing for her heels.

so there's really no room left in that shower so when TM moves in i don't know where her stuff is gonna go. for all i know HM might through my stuff out in the cold for her. why do girls have drama? i am way low drama!

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